Year 4

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are happy to welcome all students to the 2021 academic school year! We are excited to be working with you and your child this year. It is great to be back in the classroom and it has been a very busy term.

As part of our term one integrated studies curriculum, year 4 students have been learning about the 1800s and the First Fleet. The students discovered how European explorers charted and made their way to the Great Southern Land. Some of the areas we looked at were:

In Mathematics, we focused on Place value, odd and even digits, mental and written addition strategies, equivalent fractions, improper fractions/mixed numbers and length.

For English, we looked at autobiographies and biographies. Students analysed the life and events of various celebrities from the past and present, and chose one celebrity to focus on for the term one mini-project.. To finish off the term, students presented their projects to their peers.

In conclusion, it has been a very productive term. The students have been working very hard to complete their work/homework. We wish all our families a safe and restful term break.

Happy Ramadan!

Kind Regards,
Ms Gocmen and Mrs Ceren